1, humans
artificial intelligence eliminates a lot of complexities required for sustaining biological intelligence
but at least for centuries to come, the existence of intelligence on earth will depend on survival of humankind
our basic biological needs are:
, air (oxygen plus nitrogen and/or helium to adjust its density, with suitable temperature and pressure)
, clean water (H2O plus some minerals to adjust the pH)
, nutrients
naturally the environment we evolved in, supplies our basic needs
but in general, it's unstable, slow and insufficient (considering the current population and standards of life)
thus we have to find methods to do it faster and in larger amounts, without damaging our environment
in a prosperous society:
, no one's health is threatened by the lack of
clean water, healthy food, shelter, sanitation, or medical services
, proper education (free of any kind of ideology) is available for every body
, the more one's work benefits society, the richer one will be
ie exactly the opposite of what is happening now, in most parts of the world
obviously, energy is the central issue here
energy is the second major problem of humankind (the first is our ego)
and in fact, any kind of intelligence needs energy
2, energy
it seems that there is only one source of energy which is inexhaustible, the nucleus of abundant elements
we live because of the Sun, and because we are far enough from it
but this also means that the energy is dispersed on earth and to harness it we need a lot of space
solar power tower is a good method to do it
additionally we can use natural cyclic systems powered by the Sun:
, water cycle, which its use is almost saturated
, high altitude wind, like Magenn air rotor system
energy storage
we can store energy in the electron arrangement of special materials
they are called batteries or fuels, if the released energy is electricity or heat, respectively
fossil fuels are how nature stores energy, they have very good energy densities,
but burning them pollutes air, and their natural resources will eventually expire
biofuel is a ridiculous and at the same time a sad lie
it leads to more hunger, and it is the most inefficient way to harness the energy of the Sun
nuclear energy
to export intelligence beyond the solar system, we need to harness nuclear energy directly
currently the most common way to harness nuclear energy is by splitting a heavy nucleus apart,
a process called fission
in addition to not being an abundant energy source, fission is in general a very dirty process,
producing high'level nuclear waste
though maybe new generation reactors can solve these problems (partially at least)
quantum gravity -> controlling gravity? -> fusion