
1, language

society is a group of communicating intelligent agents

our natural lifetime is more or less enough for experiencing life as an individual
besides, we are not our memories, so why bother making them immortal
and considering the horrible things that some mortals have done in human history,
maybe mortality of human beings isn't a bad thing after all,
at least until they evolve enough
maybe in the future there would be some way to extend human lifetime
also there is the possibility of artificial general intelligence

regardless, important thoughts can always be recorded, and every generation can study it and improve it
we may loose our body and personal memories, but our more important thoughts can live for a long time,
as a collective entity called human knowledge

taxonomic language
Ro philosophical language:
the first consonant of a word indicates the most general concept group, the word belongs to
the subsequent letters are enumerated, to produce the derived words,
in a way that different words are distinguishable even in noisy environment
the initial vowel of a word determines its part of speech in the sentence
words begin and end in a vowel, this makes word boundaries clear, even when speaking fast
compound words are made by gluing derived words (without initial and final vowels) together

basic concepts:
group, part, truth, negation, numbers, space, time, matter (organic and inorganic), radiation, motion (change)

consonants: (c=ch, x=sh)
, p, b, f, v, m
, t, d, s, z, l, n, r
, c, j, x, y
, k, g, h
vowels: a , e, i, o, u (rule)
"a" is usually pronounced as in "car", but alternatively it can be pronounced as in "bad", if it's easier
"aa" can be used to explicitly write the alternative pronunciation

prepositions are like additional arguments for a verb (ie other than the direct object):
in, on. o, under, towards, before, of, for
verbs are timeless, time is indicated using propositional phrases

conjunctions (or, and, if, then, but, however) connect:
, words or phrases
, dependent clauses
, sentences

subject + verb + adverb + object
the initial vowel of a word determines its part of speech:
, "o": nouns
, "u": proper nouns
, "a": verbs
, "e" or "i": adjectives and adverbs

multiple modifiers (adjectives or adverbs) can apply to the same noun or verb,
if they are separated by a conjunction, usually "and"
when one modifier immediately follows another of the same type, it modifies the former
the two together then cumulatively modify the noun or verb headword
cardinal and ordinal number of a noun is treated as adjectives
to make gerund from a verb, just replace initial "a" with "o"
to make passive voice from a verb, replace initial "a" with "e" or "i"

a sequence of nouns must be separated with commas or conjunctions
noun + noun:
, possession
, if the first noun is a gerund, the second noun is its object

there are 6 pronouns
interrogative pronouns: who, what, when, where, why, how

a number is one word which begins with the consonant+vowel representing the multiplicity concept,
followed by consonant+vowels representing the digits, separated with thousand, million ...

2, humans

artificial intelligence eliminates a lot of complexities required for sustaining biological intelligence
but at least for centuries to come, the existence of intelligence on earth will depend on survival of humankind

our basic biological needs are:
, air (oxygen plus nitrogen and/or helium to adjust its density, with suitable temperature and pressure)
, clean water (H2O plus some minerals to adjust the pH)
, nutrients

naturally the environment we evolved in, supplies our basic needs
but in general, it's unstable, slow and insufficient (considering the current population and standards of life)
thus we have to find methods to do it faster and in larger amounts, without damaging our environment

in a prosperous society:
, no one's health is threatened by the lack of
clean water, healthy food, shelter, sanitation, or medical services
, proper education (free of any kind of ideology) is available for every body
, the more one's work benefits society, the richer one will be
ie exactly the opposite of what is happening now, in most parts of the world
energy is the central issue here; it's the second major problem of humankind (the first is our ego)
in fact, any kind of intelligence needs energy

3, energy

it seems that there is only one source of energy which is inexhaustible, the nucleus of abundant elements

we live because of the Sun, and because we are far enough from it
but this also means that the energy is dispersed on earth and to harness it we need a lot of space
solar power tower is a good method to do it

additionally we can use natural cyclic systems powered by the Sun:
, water cycle, which its use is almost saturated
, high altitude wind, like Magenn air rotor system

energy storage
we can store energy in the electron arrangement of special materials
they are called batteries or fuels, if the released energy is electricity or heat, respectively

fossil fuels are how nature stores energy, they have very good energy densities,
but burning them pollutes air, and their natural resources will eventually expire
biofuel is a ridiculous and at the same time a sad lie
it leads to more hunger, and it is the most inefficient way to harness the energy of the Sun

nuclear energy
to export intelligence beyond the solar system, we need to harness nuclear energy directly

currently the most common way to harness nuclear energy is by splitting a heavy nucleus apart,
a process called fission
in addition to not being an abundant energy source, fission is in general a very dirty process,
producing high'level nuclear waste
though maybe new generation reactors can solve these problems (partially at least)

quantum gravity -> controlling gravity? -> fusion

4, economy

trustless secure transaction systems
decentralized internet is already implemented by GNUnet, but no one is talking about it
compare it with the hype around decentralized transaction systems, aka blockchains or distributed ledgers,
which are inefficient and do not scale

in decentralized transaction systems, we have a P2P network where all nodes store the same ledger,
which can be extended based on permissionless consensus between nodes
distributed ledgers are authenticated by mass collaboration powered by collective self'interests
appropriate incentives that will continue to encourage honest participation in the network,
is a key component of the consensus protocol
anyone can participate in consensus,
though one’s voting power is typically proportional to its possession of network resources,
such as computation power, token wealth, storage space, etc
see "a survey of distributed consensus protocols for blockchain networks"

so in decentralized transaction systems:
, every full node has a copy of the ledger (an always growing database)
typical blockchains with their currently limited number of users, are hundreds of gigabytes
now just imagine that expanded on a global scale
also note that, full nodes are necessary if you want private and trustless transactions
using light nodes means we have to trust miners; how is that better than trusting banks
, transactions are slow
, the system is completely isolated from external world
we cannot import external money and assets to the system
a necessary feature, if we really want to replace current monetary system

it's clear that the motivation behind blockchains is not to replace the current corrupted monetary system,
because it's just not capable to do that, by design
its only purpose is to create a side system for criminal activities

an ideal transaction system would be trustless, and avoids having a single point of failure
this doesn't necessarily mean that we have to completely decentralize everything
transactions intrinsically need some centralized parts
trying to decentralize it by force, based on an ideology, leads to hideous creatures like Bitcoin

we need special nodes (let's call them IO nodes):
, to import assets from external world
, to prevent double spending, without the need for a complicated consensus mechanism,
hurting efficiency and scalability

tokens contain two fields:
, token type: determining if it's money, or any other kind of asset
, value+hash (for money tokens), or an identifier encoding the physical aspects of an asset

token history file: a file with the token as its name, containing the history of the token
each line has three parts separated by space:
, timestamp
, a public key made by the then owner
, signature made by the private key corresponding to the public key in the previous line
in the case of the first line, the signature made by the IO node

tokens are produced and signed by IO nodes based on real resources
to prevent a single point of failure, tokens will be signed by multiple IO nodes

each IO node publishes all the issued tokens
for each token, a file will be published, with the token as the file name
the file contains the signature of the latest owner
the signature is made by the owner's public key, not the key in the history file
so IO nodes can't make fake tokens, or double spend a token, without being detected
violations made by IO nodes (double spending, refusing valid transactions), will be reported,
to remove them from next release of GNUnet
IO nodes do not have any power, they are just there to prevent double spending
you own your tokens signed off by IO nodes and all the previous owners

transaction request:
, timestamp
, list of provided tokens (plus a request for changes if needed)
, list of requested asset tokens, or the value requested in exchange, or a contract
, address of the receiver

first a transaction request is sent from sender to the receiver and all IO nodes
then the receiver sends a compatible answer to IO nodes
IO nodes sign the request and answer, and send it back to the sender and receiver
sender and receiver sign off their tokens and send them to the IO nodes
IO nodes send the tokens to their new owners
if any IO node receives the signed off tokens, but does not send them back to their new owners,
they can be reported using the transaction request/answer which has their signature

the more i think, the more i'm convinced that identities capable to have tokens, must be related to real persons
otherwise, criminals can force people (by kidnapping, violence ...) to send their money/assets to anonymous accounts
one can always have different identities hidden from others, but identifiable by IO nodes

taxes, i think, are out of the scope of transaction systems
they must be evaluated according to the kind of job and a lot of other factors (like environmental impact)
nonetheless, because of IO nodes, some kind of surveillance can be implemented,
to prevent criminal activities, without violating privacy of users

society is made of groups with different specialties, each group can choose their leaders
election can in fact be a simple, cheap, dynamic, and completely reliable process
the only thing we need, in order to completely trust the result of an election,
is to release the final result in a table
every one can see if her vote is entered correctly or not
since the total number of voters is known, there is no place for cheating
votes are submitted based on anonymous code which only its owner knows of its correspondence with his name

real persons submit a public key in their companies, and then can use their private keys to sign their votes
the complete list of votes will be published by the company, so anyone can check her own vote

this method is so simple and cheap that can be easily done in short periods (every month or every 3 months)
actually people can vote any time they want, the result table will be updated continuously
but the election will be made in discrete periods
now compare this simple method with what we call democracy nowadays
this clearly shows us how the ones in power, play with people, and treat them like fools